studio blog
The latest tutorials, reviews, recommendations and gouachey experiments…
10 Tips for Painting with Gouache
It's no secret that I love gouache. Everything from its velvety matte finish to its stubborn refusal to stay wet longer than a few seconds delights me. I want everyone to give this quirky medium a go and these are my top tips for getting started.
Painting Glitter Baubles in Gouache
This tutorial will walk you through painting an awesome glitter effect with gouache.
1 Hour Landscapes in Gouache
I love painting landscapes with gouache, and this guide breaks down the system I use to build my scenes. We’ll cover everything from what order to paint the landscape elements to creating complex textures to suggest details.
How to Choose a Good Reference Photo
Working from a reference photo is a great way to practice capturing a landscape in gouache. You can work from the comfort of your home and take your time without worrying about changing light or moving subjects. To give yourself the best chance of success, there are a few things you might find helpful to look for in a suitable reference photo.
10 Reasons to try Gouache
If you are on the fence about trying gouache, I’ve got 10 good reasons for you to give it a go!